About Us

Blanco Ordoñez Mata & Wechsler, P.C., is a dynamic and sophisticated minority-owned law firm with offices in El Paso, Texas. The firm provides a wide range of legal services to a diverse group of clients, including government entities, individuals, private entities and many national, international and foreign companies. Our lawyers practice in the areas of local government and school law, general and commercial litigation, labor and employment law, fiduciary litigation and will contest, public finance, real estate, general corporate and business and international law.

The firm of Blanco Ordoñez & Wallace, P.C., was founded in May of 2007. The named shareholders enjoyed successful careers at other major law firms prior to establishing their own practice. The decision to leave those positions was based on the desire to create a sophisticated practice that could focus its services on the needs of clients based in West Texas and Southern New Mexico. The firm was renamed Blanco Ordoñez Mata & Wallace, P.C., in 2011 when Rodolfo Mata joined the firm as a shareholder to head the Business and Real Estate Practice Group. The firm was again renamed Blanco Ordonez Mata & Wechsler, P.C., in 2018, when Elizabeth Wechsler Mata became a shareholder to participate in the firm’s Business and Real Estate Practice Group with an emphasis on federal intellectual property and corporate law. 

The firm's mission is to provide sophisticated, efficient, professional and effective legal representation and services to government entities, businesses, and individuals in ways that cater to the specific needs of its clients. No business or entity is too big or small, and all clients are afforded prompt and professional services at competitive, reasonable hourly rates and, where applicable, flat fees. The firm's philosophy in the practice of law is to achieve balance in professional growth and development, civic participation and personal fulfillment.